Paintless Dent Repair = Painless Dent Repair
Tired of driving around with that dent or ding in your car? Fixing it may cost less than you think! Paintless dent repair (PDR) is faster and less expensive than traditional repair methods, and will have your car looking like new again.
What is it?
PDR uses special tools to pull out the dent – no sandpaper, body filler or paint required! The result? Nearly like new. It will look like the dent was never there.
When is it an option?
Dents can be repaired using PDR over 80% of the time. Not always, though. If there are paint scratches, sharp edges or torn metal, or if its location makes it hard to access with the specialized tool required, it’s likely not a candidate for paintless dent repair.
How can I find out for sure?
Bring your vehicle to your nearby Loyalty Collision location for a free assessment and estimate. We’ll let you know whether PDR is an option, and how much a repair will cost either way.
We make dent repair as painless as possible, and that means paintless when possible!
August 29, 2022